Ing. Denisa Kolářová
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3749-625X
Curriculum vitae
- 2008 - 2016: Grammar school in Nachod.
- 2016 - 2019:Bachelor's Degree - University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology, field of study: Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Medicinal Materials, bachelor thesis: Shape-memory alloys in medical applications, supervisor: Ing. Marek Bouška, Ph.D.
- 2019 - 2021: Master's Degree - University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Department of Analytical Chemistry, field of study: Analytical Chemistry, diploma thesis: Determination of selected classes of sphingolipids in human plasma by mass spectrometry, supervisor: Ing. Robert Jirásko, Ph.D.
- 2021 - now: Ph.D. Degree - University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Department of Analytical Chemistry, field of study: Analytical Chemistry, supervisor: prof. Ing. Michal Holcapek, Ph.D.
Current position
- Ph.D. student.
Research Interests
- Sphingolipid metabolism in malignant tumors.
Research Awards
- Rector's Award for the best diploma thesis, University of Pardubice, 2021.
- Werner von Siemens Award - TOP 10 diploma theses, Siemens, 2021.
- Best poster presentation award at 23 rd School of Mass Spectrometry in Milovy, 2022.
- 3 research and review articles in international journals.
- Author and co-author of 7 presentations at international and national conferences.
- Author and co-author of 5 posters at international and national conferences.
- Laboratory exercises of Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Analytical Methods.
Foreign Research Stay
- Ass. Prof. Dr. Evelyn Rampler, University of Vienna, Austria, 05-07/2024.
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